Adele, ecco il singolo When We Were Young, testo e video

Adele, When We Were Young, testo e video
Adele, When We Were Young, testo e video

La cantante Adele ha rilasciato il secondo singolo estratto da 25: ecco il video e il testo di When We Were Young.

Adele ha pubblicato il secondo singolo estratto dal suo nuovo disco “25”: si intitola “When we were young”. La ballad segue di appena un mese la pubblicazione di “Hello”, che in poco tempo è balzato ai vertici delle classifiche dei singoli più venduti di tutto il mondo ed è stabile al primo posto nella prestigiosa chart di Billboard (USA). “When we were young” rappresenta un terreno consolidato per Adele, che ci ha da sempre abituati a ballate sofisticate e particolarmente suggestive.

La cantante inglese ha pubblicato un video live della canzone, mentre “25” vende più di tre milioni di copie in America a soli sette giorni dalla data di rilascio. Un traguardo, questo, che ha sbaragliato la concorrenza decretando il record di album più venduto in una settimana da “No Strings Attached” degli ‘nSync: correva l’anno, 2000. Allora non esistevano gli innumerevoli modi per ascoltare musica al di là dell’acquisto del disco nei negozi, ma Adele sa il fatto suo, ed ha proibito la riproduzione di “25” ad ogni piattaforma streaming legale esistente. Dato, questo, che ha forse spinto il disco in vetta alle chart così rapidamente. “When we were young” è solo il secondo assaggio del nuovo album della cantante inglese, di seguito il testo della canzone:



When we were young, testo


Everybody loves the things you do

From the way you talk

To the way you move

Everybody here is watching you

Cause you feel like home

You’re like a dream come true

But if by chance you’re here alone

Can I have a moment

Before I go?

Cause I’ve been by myself all night long

Hoping you’re someone I used to know


You look like a movie

You sound like a song

My God, this reminds me

Of when we were young


Let me photograph you in this light

In case it is the last time

That we might be exactly like we were

Before we realized

We were sad of getting old

It made us restless

It was just like a movie

It was just like a song


I was so scared to face my fears

Cause nobody told me that you’d be here

And I swear you moved overseas

That’s what you said, when you left me


You still look like a movie

You still sound like a song

My God, this reminds me

Of when we were young


Let me photograph you in this light

In case it is the last time

That we might be exactly like we were

Before we realized

We were sad of getting old

It made us restless

It was just like a movie

It was just like a song


When we were young

When we were young

When we were young

When we were young


It’s hard to admit that

Everything just takes me back

To when you were there

To when you were there

And a part of me keeps holding on

Just in case it hasn’t gone

I guess I still care

Do you still care?


It was just like a movie

It was just like a song

My God, this reminds me

Of when we were young


When we were young

When we were young

When we were young

When we were young


Let me photograph you in this light

In case it is the last time

That we might be exactly like we were

Before we realized

We were sad of getting old

It made us restless

I’m so mad I’m getting old

It makes me reckless

It was just like a movie

It was just like a song

When we were young